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Coolmind: The Young Person's Guide to a Calmer Life

Your teacher is laying out the exam papers in front of you and you’re starting to stress. You only have a few...
Your teacher is laying out the exam papers in front of you and you’re starting to stress. You only have a few minutes to get yourself together before the exam begins … how do you stay calm? At a party, someone you’re keen on is walking your way. You always seem to get nervous about dating so how do you stay cool and not make a goose of yourself? Competitors in the final look pretty determined. They are staring you out. How do you stay focused and rise above it all? Are you fed up with being nervous and full of self-doubt? Do you wonder how you will ever get to feel confident and comfortable with yourself? Are you bursting with energy to try something new … but the same old nerves and doubts freeze you up? If any of these situations seem familiar to you, then you have found the right little book, because this book is all about the art of relaxing, the art of becoming consciously cool now to rise above stress. And the good news is … it’s not hard! From as little as three minutes a day, author David Keefe will show you in this book how to gain mental calm and clarity in any situation by selecting from the techniques outlined in Coolmind. Written specifically for teenagers, this is the young person’s guide to a calmer life. About the author: David Keefe operates his own health consultancy business and has qualifications in athletics coaching, fitness, massage therapy, reiki, qi gong and journalism. He also follows a Zen practice in his own life and is currently completing his Diploma in Counselling. As part of his fitness work, he is the strength and fitness conditioner of a national-title-winning leading school’s first rowing team and it was through his work with these girls that he first developed the techniques for mental calm, clarity and relaxation outlined in Coolmind. He is now looking to roll out a Coolmind program in schools. Plans for a commercial/business program are also being developed. SKU: B1942 Visit our website to view thousands more products like this and order online at:
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