Sell Puppies FAST
On Australia’s No.1
Puppy Marketplace

Sell My Puppies Online
Where Millions of Australians
Find A New Puppy Each Year

Trading Post Is The Leading
Puppy Dogs Online Listing Site

  • Sell Your Puppies Fast
  • Easy Listing Process
  • Get The Best Price
  • Blocks Fake and Scam Buyers
Soulful Brown Puppy Sitting In The Lap Of A Man Wearing Blue Jeans & Red T-Shirt

Why Sell Puppies Fast?

Puppies soon become Dogs - which are harder to sell and fetch a lower price.

When a puppy litter is born it's important to think about ethical and effective ways to find them loving homes - while also re-imbursing you for the time, effort, medical bills, microchip costs and more that you have incurred.

If you wait too long, they grow past the point where getting a great market price is possible.

Posting your Litter early in the popular Trading Post Puppy Category ensures a quick sale, so you get the best possible return on your investment in caring for mum and her pups for those critical weeks post birth.

Sell Your Dog Or Puppies Now!

Why is Trading Post The BEST Place to Sell My Puppies?

Stand Out

Listings on Trading Post Marketplace Include Unlimited Large High-Res Photos AND YouTube Videos For Maximum Attraction

Sell Fast

Millions Of Australians Search Our Puppy Section Each And Every Year To Find A New Puppy Dog To Take Home

On Trading Post You Can Sell Your Litter Within Days.

Stay Safe

Our 7 Day Per Week Human Anti-Fraud Team Check Every Ad And Every Buyer Message For Validity Before Posting

What Do Puppy Advertisers Say About Trading Post in 2024?

Sold my puppies in 2 days with no scam enquiries.

Not free but great not to deal with dodgy fake buyers.

Kon Sali
Kon Sali

We have been advertising our beautiful puppies on Trading Post since January 2017 with great success. Trading Post has consistently delivered results and wonderful families for our puppies. It also has provided more results than any other source of advertising for our business.

Lewis & Jenny's Designer Dogs
Lewis & Jenny's Designer Dogs

Saw a promotion for puppy listings and gave it a go.

Worked for me.

Tammy Mawson
Tammy Mawson

What Sets Us Apart From Other Puppy Marketplaces?

  • Millions of Puppy Dog Buyers Every Year
  • Fast Single-Page Ad Creation
  • Unlimited Ad Revisions
  • Full Breed Index for Easy Searching
  • Age, Sex, Breed, Location And Distance Search
  • Microchip, Breeder ID & Source Compliant
  • Optional ‘Top Ad’ for Maximum Exposure
  • 7 Day per Week Human Anti-Fraud Team
  • Free Ad extensions up to 6 weeks
  • Optional Inclusion in Weekly Puppy Email
  • Unlimited High-Res Photos And YT Videos
  • Human Phone Support Team
  • Australian Owned
  • Over 55 Years of Market Experience

Got More Questions?

How Long Will My Ad Last?

Dog and Puppy Listings can be extended for Free for up to 6 Weeks on Trading Post.

How Long Will It Take To Sell My Puppies?

Most Puppies are sold extremely quickly in this super popular category. If your litter is priced competitively to the current market, it’s common to sell an entire litter in only a couple of days.

How Much Does A Puppy Ad Cost?

To see the current price just post a listing, and then based on the listing you create, the exact current publishing price will be displayed on the last page before you commit.
Some listings for older dogs are free of charge to support animal rehoming.

I Thought The Trading Post Closed Years Ago - Is This Still The Same Business?

We stopped producing our printed publication in 2009 as people moved online and have continued since then as an online-only marketplace for our millions of Aussie buyers and sellers.
We are still the same Aussie owned business that has been operating non-stop since 1967.

How Often Can I Edit My Puppy Ad?

You can edit your Ad as often as you like.
There is no limit to how many edits you can make or how often you make them…so feel free to adjust your Ad as you go to get the best result!

Why Don’t I See You Advertising On TV or Billboards or Radio?

We find online marketing techniques now work much better than legacy media.
Together with our 55 years of brand history this attracts and retains our audience of millions of Aussie buyers and sellers.

Why Isn’t It Free to Publish a Puppy Ad on Trading Post?

Puppies are a very emotional and high value category of listing, which unfortunately makes them one of the most common targets for online scammers.

Noticing the growing levels of online puppy fraud, we decided many years ago to invest in protecting our Puppy Sellers and Buyers with a 7 day per-week human team to block the scammers, fraudsters, and fake buyers & sellers that are now so common on most other online puppy marketplaces.

The moderate listing fee in this category helps fund this full-time anti-fraud and seller support team to keep our Sellers and Buyers as safe as possible. You can even call them 7 days per week on 1300 004 707 for any help you need.

What Can I Do To Ensure A Quick Sale Of My Litter?

  • Provide lots of high-quality photos of the litter and of the Mother and Father
  • Ensure Microchip, BIN, Source, and all other regulatory info is in your listing
  • Attach YouTube video(s) of the puppies to your listing
  • Price your puppies competitively to the current market and your location
  • Share your Trading Post puppy Ad on your social media channels
  • Consider extra exposure through ‘Top Ad’, ‘Email Blast’, ‘SuperSize’, ‘Highlight’, ‘Bump’ and similar listing upgrades.
  • Be sure to include all relevant pedigree information in your listing.

How Many Photos Can I Have On My Puppy Ad?

You can upload as many photos as you like to your puppy Ad on Trading Post.
We accept super-large high-resolution images too….so your puppies will look amazing when zoomed in and on large screens.

How Many Videos Can I Have On My Puppy Ad?

We accept unlimited YouTube videos on puppy dog listings.
Our research also shows that listings with videos attract more attention and more enquiries…especially when competitively priced.

Why Not Just List My Puppies On Facebook Marketplace Or Gumtree?

Apart from the fact that you will sell your Puppies FAST on Trading Post Marketplace -
We are also the only specialized pet marketplace that HUMAN REVIEW all pet listings before publication AND HUMAN REVIEW all on-platform pet buyer enquiries before transmission.

This stops fake, scam, and dodgy buyers from easily messaging through our platform, which protects you from wasting your time or falling for the sophisticated scams that are now so common on most other online puppy marketplaces.

How Does Trading Post Protect Puppy Sellers From Online Scams?

We decided many years ago to invest in protecting our Puppy Sellers and Buyers with a 7 day per-week human team to block the scammers, fraudsters, and fake buyers & sellers that are now so common on most other online puppy marketplaces.

We are the only specialized pet marketplace that HUMAN REVIEW all pet listings before publication AND HUMAN REVIEW all on-platform pet buyer enquiries before transmission.

Our Friendly team are here to protect and help All of our Puppy buyers and sellers and can be contact by telephone 7 days per week on 1300 004 707


Ready To Sell Your Puppies Fast?

List Your Dog or Puppies Now!

24 Common Puppy Selling Questions

What age should a puppy be sold?
What is the best age to sell puppies?

Puppies should ideally be sold between 8 to 12 weeks of age, after they have been weaned, received necessary vaccinations, and socialized with humans and other animals.

What do puppies need to be sold?

Puppies should be in good health, have received appropriate vaccinations and de-worming treatments, and be properly socialized before being sold. In some states it is also a requirement for the seller to arrange a source / breeder ID number and to have the puppies microchipped.

How to sell a 1-year-old dog?

Selling an older dog may require different strategies compared to selling puppies. It's important to accurately represent the dog's temperament, behavior, and any training they have received to potential buyers. Advertising the dog on an online platform specializing in Dogs like Trading Post along with contacting your local pet shelter are good first steps.

How old do puppies need to be to sell in Australia?
Can I sell an 8-week-old puppy?
Can I sell my 10-week-old puppy?

While puppies can be sold as early as 8 weeks of age, it's essential to ensure they are fully weaned, healthy, and have received necessary veterinary care before being placed in their new homes.

How do I sell puppies in my area?

Selling puppies in your local area can be done through a combination of online platforms and local advertising. Utilizing community noticeboards, social media groups, and online classified websites like can help you reach local buyers.

How long does it take to sell puppies on Gumtree?

The time it takes to sell puppies on Gumtree can vary depending on factors like demand, pricing, puppy buyer scams, and the quality of your advertisements. Utilizing high-quality photos, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing can help attract buyers more quickly. To protect against puppy buyer scams you can also consider listing on a platform with human moderated messaging like where Puppies sell very quickly.

What is the best website to sell puppies? is a popular and reputable website for selling puppies in Australia. With its wide reach and dedicated pet section, it's an effective platform for connecting with potential buyers. Trading Post also offers a number of listing upgrade options for seller who are looking for additional exposure.

What to do to sell puppies?

To successfully sell puppies, it's important to prepare them for sale, create appealing advertisements with high-quality photos and detailed descriptions, and reach out to potential buyers through online platforms, social media, and local advertisements.

What app can I sell my dog on?

There are several apps and online platforms where you can sell dogs, including, Gumtree, and Facebook Marketplace. These platforms allow you to create listings and reach a wide audience of potential buyers. For peace of mind, Trading Post screens on-platform buyer messages to block fake & scam enquiries.

How to sell puppies in my location?
How to sell puppies in my location online?

To sell puppies in your location, utilize online platforms like and Gumtree. Additionally, consider placing advertisements in local newspapers, community noticeboards, and pet stores to reach buyers in your area.

Where can I advertise my dog?

In addition to online platforms like and Gumtree, you can advertise your dog through social media platforms, local newspapers, community noticeboards, pet stores, and veterinary clinics. Networking with local breed clubs and attending dog shows can also help you connect with potential buyers.

Do you need a license to breed dogs in Australia?
Do dog breeders have to be registered in my State?

Licensing requirements for dog breeding vary between states. Some states require breeders to obtain specific licenses or registrations, while others have less stringent requirements based on breeder circumstances. It's important to research the regulations in your state to ensure compliance for peace of mind.

Can I sell puppies if I'm not a breeder?

Selling puppies as a private individual may not require a license in some cases. However, if selling puppies becomes a regular business activity, you may need to obtain appropriate licenses or registrations depending on which state of Australia you are located.

Is dog breeding taxable income in Australia?

Income generated from dog breeding activities, including the sale of puppies, may be subject to taxation in Australia. It's advisable to consult a tax professional for personalized advice.

Are dogs tax-deductible in Australia?

Generally, the cost of purchasing a dog for breeding purposes is not tax-deductible. However, expenses related to caring for and breeding dogs for business purposes may be tax-deductible. Again, consulting a tax professional is recommended.

Is it legal to sell puppies in Australia?

Yes, it is legal to sell puppies in Australia, but sellers must comply with relevant state based regulations.
Our puppy listing form includes all of the mandatory sections required to create a legal puppy advertisement in your state.

Is backyard breeding illegal in Australia?

Backyard breeding, particularly if it leads to irresponsible breeding practices or animal neglect, can be subject to legal repercussions in many Australian states. It's important to research area regulations with your local council especially if you are planning more than one litter.

Can pet shops sell puppies in Australia?

Regulations regarding the sale of puppies in pet shops vary between states. Some states have banned the sale of puppies in pet shops, while others have strict regulations in place.

How many litters can a dog have legally in Australia?

The number of litters a dog can have legally varies between states, but responsible breeding practices typically limit the number of litters to ensure the health and well-being of the breeding dogs. Many Doctors recommend a maximum of 4 litters over a female dogs lifetime, with appropriate breaks between litters.

What is the puppy farm law in my State?
What are the new dog breeding laws in my State?

Each state in Australia has its own legislation regulating dog breeding and the operation of breeding facilities. It's important to consult the relevant authorities such as your local council and legal resources to understand the specific laws relevant to your circumstances.

What is Oscar’s Law in Victoria?

Oscar’s Law is a campaign aimed at ending puppy farming in Australia, particularly in Victoria, by advocating for legislative changes to protect breeding dogs and their offspring.

Can you sell puppies in Australia
Can I sell my puppies in Australia?

Yes, you can sell puppies in Australia, but it's important to comply with relevant local laws and council regulations.
Trading Post has all of the requirements to create a legally compliant puppy advertisement in every state of Australia.

Are puppy farms legal in Australia?
Is puppy farming legal in Australia?

The regulation of puppy farms varies between states. Some states such as Victoria and Western Australia have enacted laws to ban or regulate and restrict the operation of puppy farms to ensure the welfare of breeding dogs and their offspring.

What is the best age to breed a dog?

The best age to breed a dog is typically between 2 to 3 years old, once they have reached physical maturity and have been screened for any hereditary health issues. Breeding too early or too late can increase the risk of complications for the mother and puppies.

Advertise Your Puppies Now!

List Your Dog or Puppies Now!

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