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English Year 12: VCE Units 3 & 4

Insight's English Year 12: VCE Units 3 & 4 is a comprehensive and practical guide to the new VCE English/EAL Study...
is a comprehensive and practical guide to the new VCE English/EAL Study Design, which will be implemented at Year 12 in 2024. It covers all key knowledge and skills, and also includes step-by-step guidelines for completing all assessment tasks.English Year 12: VCE Units 3 & 4Insight's provides clear, accessible definitions, explanations and examples of the central concepts and terms in each area of study, building and consolidating students' understanding. Numerous individual and group activities, word banks, sentence starters and step-by-step processes enable students to apply their knowledge and develop skills and confidence in every area of the course.English Year 12: VCE Units 3 & 4 The book features:
  • Strategies for analysing topics and developing strong analytical responses to texts
  • Explorations of the four key ideas in the Framework of Ideas
  • Guidelines for drawing on mentor texts in order to create effective and cohesive written pieces
  • Practical writing tips and tools to aid students in producing original texts in different forms
  • A wide range of media texts, including audio and audiovisual texts, on current local, national and international issues
  • Annotated high-level sample responses for all assessment tasks
  • A bonus digital chapter (available in early 2024) on the new end-of-year exam
  • A variety of supplementary digital resources, including video tutorials, extra activities, online texts for analysis and additional sample responses

SKU: B1989

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