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Jobs for the Girls? Affirmative Action in the Australian Film Industry

Davidson's article examines the position of women in the Australian film industry and reveals some disturbing trends...
Davidson's article examines the position of women in the Australian film industry and reveals some disturbing trends that have emerged over the past decade. She points out that: hile female under-employment and discrimination has been a feature of the Australian film industry in recent decades, women played a prominent role in earlier period of film history. In the first decades of Australian film, when our industry was thriving, a significant number of women were involved in the key technical and production areas of feature filmmaking. Lottie Lyell, the McDonagh sisters and Louise Lovely were all involved as writers, directors, producers and stars.' SKU: 00623-M145 Visit our website to view thousands more products like this and order online at:
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The Weight of the World: Growing Up in Playing for Charlie and Lou

The Weight of the World: Growing Up in Playing for Charlie and Lou

Both Playing for Charlie (Pene Patrick, 2008) and Lou (Belinda Chayko, 2010) tell the story of young people negotiating...
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Scribes on Screen: Molly Haskell

Scribes on Screen: Molly Haskell

In this installment of Scribes on Screen, Richard Armstrong profiles Molly Haskell, a prolific American journalist (born...
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World Wide Classrooms: Taking Online Education into a New Dimension

World Wide Classrooms: Taking Online Education into a New Dimension

With communications technologies accelerating at breakneck speed, it's only natural that educational institutions would...
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Document: Shut Up Little Man!

Document: Shut Up Little Man!

Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure (Matthew Bate, 2011) explores a fascinating underground phenomenon and raises...
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Puppy: Love, Deceit, Obsession and a Few Dead Bodies

Puppy: Love, Deceit, Obsession and a Few Dead Bodies

Boris Trbic reviews Kieran Galvin's cinematic debut, Puppy, placing particular emphasis on the filmmaker's exploration...
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Media Ethics: Oxymoron or anti-oxidant?

Media Ethics: Oxymoron or anti-oxidant?

This article focuses on the issues of media ethnics, journalistic credibility and responsibility. Simmons uses a number...
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Ladies First: Studying Short Documentaries About Women in Sport

Ladies First: Studying Short Documentaries About Women in Sport

Luke Rodesiler looks at a series of short films that delve into the various issues that exist for elite female athletes,...
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In the Archive of Cinematic Memories: Teaching Documentary Film History

In the Archive of Cinematic Memories: Teaching Documentary Film History

This article looks at teaching documentary film history, first examining where to begin and then looking at 'social...
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