Comes with Map Set in the early years of the 20th century, Red Dead Redemption is an epic Western journey across the...
Comes with Map Set in the early years of the 20th century, Red Dead Redemption is an epic Western journey across the vanishing American frontier through the eyes of former outlaw John Marston. Alongside the rich, immersive single-player experience, Red Dead RedemptionÕs multiplayer offers a world of dynamic challenges and competitive games suited for a player of any skill level. Also includes undead nightmare: Across the vast Western frontier, a plague is spreading... When former outlaw John Marston wakes up at his farmhouse, he finds a world gone insane: overnight, deranged hordes have overrun the towns and outposts of the American frontier. In a desperate attempt to save his family, Marston must traverse a world torn apart by chaos and disorder, using every skill he has to survive long enough to find a cure
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