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Need a healthier, grain-free, and chicken-free dog food source for your pet? Try the Ivory Coat Surf & Turf Lamb &...DESCRIPTION
Need a healthier, grain-free, and chicken-free dog food source for your pet? Try the Ivory Coat Surf & Turf Lamb & Sardine Dry Dog Food! Specially formulated by animal nutritionists and veterinarians, this fish-based dry dog food is an all-natural food source that has plenty of nutrients that will help keep your canine healthy and happy every day. With the natural probiotics and the grain-free formula, this Ivory Coat dog food is easy on the stomach and makes digestion effortless for your pet. Since this formula has sardine, its packed with omega fatty acids that will help improve the appearance of your dogs skin and fur coat. Made without artificial flavours and colours, preservatives or meat byproducts, this adult dog food is full of health and void of unnecessary ingredients. Make the Ivory Coat Lamb & Sardine Dry Dog Food a part of your dogs food bowl every day for optimal health! Features: Premium all-natural dry dog food formula made with ocean fish and salmon Grain-free and healthy dog food thats easy on sensitive stomachs Packed with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that improve skin and fur Nutrient-rich dog food with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants Supports your dogs everyday health and provides 32% protein, 14% healthy fat Helps improve gut health and digestion Supplemented with superfood vegetables and fruits for a well-balanced diet Hypoallergenic dog food formula made without grains, wheat, corn, rice or soy Contains no artificial flavours/colours, preservatives or meat byproducts Dry dog food for adult dogs ages 1 year and up Formulated by veterinarians and animal nutritionists Sizes Available: 2kg and 13kg Ingredients: Australian Lamb Meal, Peas, Sweet Potato, Sardine Meal, Australian Dried Lamb, Tapioca, Chicken Fat (preserved with Mixed Tocopherols), Ground Flaxseed, Tomato Pomace, Salmon Oil, Kale, Blueberries, Spinach, Apples, Broccoli, Parsley, Carrots, Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, D3, E, Niacin, Beta-Carotene, Biotin, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Calcium Propionate, Natural Prebiotic, Rosemary Extract & Green Tea Extract. This product is naturally preserved. Brand: Ivory CoatADDITIONAL INFORMATION
- Price
- $28.90
- Condition
- New
- Delivers To
- Australia Wide