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Squid Fishing Tactics DVD - DVD3612 - AFN - 9313000023612
Squid Fishing Tactics – DVD With the popularity of fishing for squid surging, the amount of tackle and techniques...
This resource presents opportunities to teach multi-literacies and to explore the interrelated themes of character...
This resource presents opportunities to teach multi-literacies and to explore the interrelated themes of character development and identity construction, relationship development and sustainability, the construction and deconstruction of various texts, and the impact of ever-emerging ICCT (Information, Communication and Creative Technologies) on communication. – From Script to Screen', with interactive sections on the writing, production and visual effects. Also included are extensive video clips and interviews with cast and crew, as well as the media kit and poster.Noah & Saskia, lesson plans from the online 'Teaching Activities' and 'Noah & SaskiaThis Education CD-ROM includes scripts for all thirteen episodes of This resource would be most suitable for use in Years 5–9 in the curriculum area of English.