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Allen Classical Organ - Chancel Series Model CF32A 38 Stop/46 Voice Three-Manual Console With GeniSys
Used Pre-Loved - Three-Manual Console Classical Organ With GeniSys Voices
Used Pre-loved ~ AT800 Luxurious cabinet, finished in natural wood - control panel, softly lit - not only is the form elegantly superb, the advanced...
Used Pre-loved ~ The Encore was the model below the Holiday Classic and features a number of the amazing features of it's bigger brother whilst still...
Hammond M100 Series Tone Wheel Organ - M-111, tradition style in walnut.
Used Pre-loved ~ Hammond M-111, tradition style in walnut.Well if you want that real tone wheel sound, then here it is. The M100 Series was considered...
Used Pre-loved ~ The 642 is a 2 manual / 25 pedal
Rich and full with four distinct families of tone: Diapason (true organ), Flute, String & Reed, available on both keyboards.
Sold ~ Conn ~ Theatre Organ Model 642
The 642 is a 2 manual / 25 pedal Conn Organs have one very important feature, their unmistakable tone. Rich and full with four distinct families of tone: Diapason (true organ), Flute, String & Reed,available on both keyboards. The famous Vox Humana stop which is so important in proper theatre organ registration, plus a wide variety of special effects,including optional Conn Rhythm Unit. Contained is the famous Leslie Speaker System, giving true separation of sound, plus a 15” bass speaker round off this beautiful Theatre Organ. Complete with concealed illuminated console lighting and matching bench, a popular model in the Conn range.