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Small World Board Game - Days of Wonder - Tabletop Board Game GTIN/EAN/UPC: 824968726914

Small World is a civilization game where players vie for conquest and control of a world that is simply too small to...
Small World is a civilization game where players vie for conquest and control of a world that is simply too small to accommodate them all! Picking the right combination of fantasy races and unique special powers, players rush to expand their empires - often at the expense of weaker neighbors... They use their troops to occupy territory and conquer adjacent lands in order to push the other races off the face of the earth. Yet they must also know when to push their own over-extended civilization into decline and ride a new one to victory. Races and Special Powers There are 14 different races inhabiting Small World - each with their own unique traits and skills. Every one has its own distinctive Race banner and tokens that are used to mark regions where that Race is deployed. To conquer regions and amass Victory coins, Races are deployed on one of four different Small World game maps.By placing troops (Race tokens) in various regions, and conquering adjacent lands, you earn Victory coins for each region you occupy at the end of your turn. Races are combined with one of 20 Special Power badges - providing a unique benefit to the race it is associated with. Cunning players will quickly learn that some combinations hold great power... Commando Drarves The Commando Special Power enables a Race to conquer any adjacent region using 1 less Race token than normal. Because a Dwarf receives a bonus Victory coin for each Mine region it occupies, this combination is highly profitable as you will need fewer troops to occupy more valuable mines. Diplomat Skeletons To protect his flank, a Skeleton with the Diplomat Special Power can select an ally who cannot attack until his next turn. The Skeleton - who adds 1 new Race token to their supply for every 2 non-empty regions they conquer - is then free to aggressively attack others, using the opportunity to gain lots of valuable extra tokens. Flying Sorcerers  Sorcerers can substitute one of each opponent's tokens with a new one of their own. While normally they would have to be adjacent to the opponent, if they also have theFlying Special Power they can conquer any region on the map. Flying Sorcerers really are magic! The Decline of Civilization A Small World race must continually expand into new regions if it is to continue to earn Victory coins. But it will inevitably become over-extended - losing its effectiveness to defend its current territory or conquer new lands. The key to victory in Small World is knowing when to abandon your current empire and begin building a new one. To put your weakened race In Decline, you turn its Race banner upside down, discard its Special Power (unless it still applies when in decline) and then turn over a single Race token in each of the regions you currently occupy. The player can make no conquests the turn his race goes In Decline. However, those In Decline tokens are still valuable and will earn Victory coins at the end of the turn and as long as they stay on the board. Unfortunately, they are (with one ghoulish exception) unable to attack. At the start of the next turn the player selects a new Race and Special Power combo from those available and begins building a new civilization. Once the new Active race has begun conquering regions, you now collect Victory coins from this new race, as well as from left-over tokens of your In Decline race. However, each player can only have a single race in decline at a time, unless... When the Race tokens associated with the Spirit Special Power go In Decline, they can stay on the map, even if a second Race from that player goes In Decline. You may end up with two different races In Decline on the map at the same time, and score for them all! Your In Decline Spirits will only leave the map when taking losses from opponents' conquests. Ghouls have special powers when In Decline. Ghoul tokens all stay on the map instead of the usual 1 per region. Even when In Decline, your Ghouls can continue to conquer new regions each turn, playing exactly as if they were still active tokens. These ghoulish conquests must be done at the start of the turn, before any conquest by your active race. Playing the Game To begin, each Small World player must select a Race and a Special Power combination. 6 randomly-drawn combinations are placed in a column next to the board map. A player can choose any combo he wants and while the one at the top is free, each successive combo as you move down the column costs 1 additional Victory Coin. So if you want that powerful Flying Sorcerers combination in the 3rd position, it will cost you 2 coins, with a coin placed on each of the combos above it. Once a combo is selected, those below are moved up the column and a new one revealed. Following players who select a combo with Victory coins gets to keep them! Small World accommodates 2 to 5 players and plays out on 4 different maps of its territories - one for each of the four possible player combinations. Each map includes a game turn track that varies between 8 and 10 turns. On the first turn, and whenever a new race is deployed on the map for the first time, it must start its conquest on one the Border Regions. These include regions adjacent to the edge of the board, or one whose shore is on a Sea adjacent to the edge. Halflings have a special power to enter the map through any Region, not just borders. Once on the map, the Race can conquer any Regions adjacent to other lands it occupies, as long as it has sufficient tokens to continue. When conquering a Region, a player must have 2 Race tokens; plus1 additional Race token for each Encampment, Fortress, Mountain, or Troll's Lair marker; plus 1 additional Race token for each Lost Tribe or other player's Race token already present in the Region. Often Race and Special Power benefits will enable you to conquer Regions with fewer tokens. Tokens from a defeated Race are returned to their player and can be redeployed, but one of the defeated tokens must be discarded. Once a player's conquests for the turn have ended, he may freely redeploy the Race tokens he has on the board, moving them from one Region to any other Region occupied by his race (not necessarily just an adjacent or contiguous region), provided that at least one Race token remains in each Region under his control. With his turn complete, the player receives 1 coin from the Victory stash for each Region his Race tokens, both Active and In Decline, occupy on the map. The player may also collect additional Victory coins if any of his Race and/or Special Power benefits include them. Item Group: Tabletop Board Game Manufacturer: Days of Wonder GTIN: 824968726914 EAN: 824968726914 UPC: 824968726914 Visit our website to view thousands more products like this and order online at:
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