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0 British+Shorthair Cats & Kittens in New South Wales

View all 0 British+Shorthair Cats & Kittens listed for sale online in New South Wales. Here you can find cats & kittens near New South Wales, select your favourite breed, age, sex, location & more!
Beautiful british blue  shorthair 12
Beautiful british blue  shorthairBeautiful british blue  shorthairBeautiful british blue  shorthairBeautiful british blue  shorthairBeautiful british blue  shorthairBeautiful british blue  shorthair

Beautiful british blue shorthair

Very delightful and playful kittens ,when I enter the room it sounds as if it is a faraway thunder ,it is actually pu...Adorable ,playful and super cute ,2 males and one female. Vaccinated , microchipped,flea and worm treated ready to delight you and give you a lot of joy ,love and laughter
Lakemba , NSW
Beautiful british blue  shorthair 12
Beautiful british blue  shorthairBeautiful british blue  shorthairBeautiful british blue  shorthairBeautiful british blue  shorthairBeautiful british blue  shorthairBeautiful british blue  shorthair

Beautiful british blue shorthair

Very delightful and playful kittens ,when I enter the room it sounds as if it is a faraway thunder ,it is actually pu...Adorable ,playful and super cute ,2 males and one female. Vaccinated , microchipped,flea and worm treated ready to delight you and give you a lot of joy ,love and laughter
Lakemba , NSW
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