Our loving medium multi generational labradoodle mum has a litter of puppies. Both parents have loving and playful personalities and are so very cuddly. The puppies were born on Tuesday 19/11/2024. They will be ready for their new forever homes from 14/1/2025. We raise our puppies in a loving environment. They have been socialised with children, adults as well as the rest of the dog family. They have been introduced to garden equipment noises such as a lawn mower, whipper snipper and blower. These puppies are multi generational and will not shed. Some will be fleece coat, some wool coat. The puppies have been vet checked and have passed with flying colours. They have been vaccinated, wormed and microchipped. We encourage prospecting puppy owners to ask as much questions as they want and research the breed. We can assist with interstate transport and fit to fly certificate at your cost.
Pomchi (Pomeranian x Chihuahua) - At Puppy Palace Pet Shop Brisbane
Pomchi (Pomeranian x Chihuahua) - At Puppy Palace Pet Shop Brisbane.Call during Business Hours or Call if calling after hours to pay so you don't miss out...ALL PUPPIES HAVE BEEN:-Vet-checked Vaccinated Wormed Flea-controlled MicrochippedAND WE ALSO COME WITH:-.A 7 Day Health Guarantee with Mooney Street Vet Surgery, Woodridge FREE after purchase Vet Check with...
5 days ago
Boston Terrier x Pug. Great family pets. Health guarantee and written vet report. Adorable funny personalities Only 2 left!!!This beautiful hybrid mix is our funny loving Pug with the social, clownlike Boston Terrier.Mixing these 2 breeds together gives you a healthy happy funny dog.Affectionate, bright, social and playful puppies. These are happy and healthy little babies, with gorgeous temperaments and adorable...
Spoodle / Cockerpoo (Cocker Spaniel X Poodle ) - At Puppy Palace Pet shop, Underwood. Brisbane
Spoodle / Cockerpoo (Cocker Spaniel X Poodle ) - At Puppy Palace Pet shop, Underwood. Brisbane.Call during Business Hours or Call if calling after hours to pay so you don't miss out...ALL PUPPIES HAVE BEEN:-Vet-checked Vaccinated Wormed Flea-controlled MicrochippedAND WE ALSO COME WITH:-.A 7 Day Health Guarantee with Mooney Street Vet Surgery, Woodridge FREE after purchase Vet Check with...
5 days ago
Dachshund Miniature Purebred Puppies
Purebred miniature Dachshund short coat puppies ready to go to their loving new family. Easy care pets, no grooming. Not...
9 hours ago
WestiePoo - West Highland White x Miniature Poodle
WestiePoo - West Highland White Terrier X Miniature Poodle - Westiepoo's are Low-Shedding and Low-Allergenic. Delivered to Brisbane on the 8th...WestiePoo - West Highland White Terrier X Miniature Poodle - Westiepoo's have a merry lighthearted way and slightly calmer in temperament than many other Terrier breeds. They make endearing house pets.They are Low-shedding and Low-allergenic and have no doggie odour.We can deliver them to Brisbane...
Toy Cavoodle / Cavapoo Puppies - At Puppy Palace Pet Shop, Brisbane
Toy Cavoodle / Cavapoo Puppies - At Puppy Palace Pet Shop, Brisbane.Call during Business Hours or Call if calling after hours to pay so you don't miss out...ALL PUPPIES HAVE BEEN:-Vet-checked Vaccinated Wormed Flea-controlled MicrochippedAND WE ALSO COME WITH:-.A 7 Day Health Guarantee with Mooney Street Vet Surgery, Woodridge FREE after purchase Vet Check with...
5 days ago
Toy Poodle Puppies - At Puppy Palace Pet Shop, Underwood, Brisbane
Toy Poodle Puppies - At Puppy Palace Pet Shop, Brisbane.Call during Business Hours or Call if calling after hours to pay so you don't miss out...ALL PUPPIES HAVE BEEN:-Vet-checked Vaccinated Wormed Flea-controlled MicrochippedAND WE ALSO COME WITH:-.A 7 Day Health Guarantee with Mooney Street Vet Surgery, Woodridge FREE after purchase Vet Check with...
5 days ago
Pomchi (Pomeranian x Chihuahua) - At Puppy Palace Pet Shop Brisbane
Pomchi (Pomeranian x Chihuahua) - At Puppy Palace Pet Shop Brisbane.Call during Business Hours or Call if calling after hours to pay so you don't miss out...ALL PUPPIES HAVE BEEN:-Vet-checked Vaccinated Wormed Flea-controlled MicrochippedAND WE ALSO COME WITH:-.A 7 Day Health Guarantee with Mooney Street Vet Surgery, Woodridge FREE after purchase Vet Check with...
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