Towing a Dirt Bike

Towing A Dirt Bike

How to prepare for towing a dirt bike

There are a number of ways you can transport a dirt bike; the method you choose will most likely depend on your budget and the type of vehicle you’re using to tow. Many dirt bike owners choose to use a small trailer for dirt bike towing, which involves an investment, but a much smaller one than a truck and trailer unit.

Trailer towing puts less stress on your dirt bike than cradles or tow bars - which both involve rear wheel contact with the ground – and allows the option of towing more than one bike. Even owners of large four-wheel drive vehicles with enough room to accommodate a bike might find a trailer useful when going on holiday – keeping the bike out of the car leaves much more room for storing luggage.

Preparing for dirt bike towing – before you hit the road

If you are considering using a trailer to tow one or more dirt bikes, you’ll need to first check the towing capacity of the vehicle you plan to use. Refer to your owner’s manual for the towing capacity rating of your car to ensure it matches up with the weight of your dirt bike and trailer load.

Attach the dirt bike trailer to your tow vehicle according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Put the dirt bike into neutral, roll it onto the trailer and secure it in an upright position with heavy-duty, unworn straps. Ensure that the handlebars of your dirt bike are pulled downwards towards the front tire. Put the dirt bike in gear to prevent it rolling backwards.

Driving with a dirt bike trailer

If you don’t have experience towing a dirt bike trailer, practice turning, braking and reversing in an empty parking lot before you try to tackle traffic.

Reversing with a trailer can be hard to master at first – holding it at the bottom, turn the steering wheel in the direction you want the trailer to go.

Dirt bike security when towing

To thwart thieves, purchase a high-quality padlock to secure the trailer to your tow bar, and never leave your dirt bike sitting on a trailer out of public sight.

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