Restricted Dog Breeds

Restricted Dog Breeds

hen it comes to restricted dog breeds, Trading Post® is pretty tough. What that means is, we don’t allow the advertising or sale of restricted breeds on our site. This information should help you if you’re considering purchasing a dog that is, or may resemble, a restricted breed.

What is a restricted breed?

A restricted dog breed is one that has been classified as such by law. These breeds are prohibited from being imported into Australia and their sale (including advertising), keeping and purchase is strictly regulated under the laws of all Australian States and Territories.

What are the restricted breeds?

Restricted breeds usually include:

  • Dingo
  • Dogo Argentino (also known as Argentinean Mastiff)
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Presa Canario
  • Japanese Tosa
  • American Pit Bull Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier
  • or a cross breed or offspring of the aforementioned dogs.

Please check with your local authorities (council, police, etc) for a complete list of restricted breeds in your area.

What do they look like?

American Pit Bull

Restricted _japanese -tosaRestricted _dogo -argentinoRestricted _dingoRestricted _fila _brasileiroRestricted _presa -canario

Why are there restricted breeds?

Certain dog breeds have been classified as restricted because they have a history of violent attacks on other animals and humans. They are breeds that were traditionally bred to fight, and are now considered dangerous. Their owners are bound by extremely strict measures.

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